Privacy policy

What data does Eat Green store?

If you make a purchase of products through our website, information about your name, telephone number, e-mail address, address, post code and city is stored.

What does Eat Green use my data for?

We use data to be able to make payments via Vipps for orders that are completed on the website, and to send out orders to customers.

To whom are my personal data passed on?

Eat Green works with logistics partners for the delivery of goods. We share data with Vipps for processing payments. When we use them for task execution, they get access to your personal data to the extent and for the time required to deliver the requested service.

When is the information about me deleted?

We will store your personal data for as long as is necessary to perform the service. Information is deleted when it is no longer necessary to store it.5.


Under you can contact our customer service for general questions regarding privacy, as well as to enforce your rights.

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Did you know we ship to every address in Norway?

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